Tree of Life Dish

Tree of Life Dish

Ten Thousand Villages
USD $12.99
You're going to love Ten Thousand Villages's Tree of Life Dish. Colorful vase is hand-blown by artisans of Hebron Glass & Ceramic Factory, using recycled glass. Recycled bottles are smashed into pieces and melted in high temperature ovens. In Phoenician glass blow…Read More

Fair Trade


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We love Ten Thousand Villages's ethical products, and we know you will too! Especially this Fair Trade, Sustainable Tree of Life Dish. Colorful vase is hand-blown by artisans of Hebron Glass & Ceramic Factory, using recycled glass. Recycled bottles are smashed into pieces and melted in high temperature ovens. In Phoenician glass blowing, artisans add substances to the molten glass, with the resulting reaction creating a range of colors. Working with this process takes an especially skilled hand, and is reserved for the true masters of the art. Each piece has... Authentic fair trade product.


Fair Trade
United States
Ten Thousand Villages

About Ten Thousand Villages

About TTV: Ten Thousand Villages is a pioneer of fair trade. The original TTV effort (called Overseas Needlework and Craft) was founded by Edna Ruth Byler as a program of the Mennonite Central Committee. In the late 1940s, Byler traveled to Puerto Rico and met women who were unable to feed their children. She asked them if she could take their needlework art and textiles back to Ohio, sell them, and send the profits back to them. Thus sparked the idea for a global maker-to-market movement. TTV is clear in its mission to break the cycle of generational poverty and ignite lasting, positive social change. They encourage people to shop with intention for ethically sourced products and to find joy in supporting makers in thousands of villages around world. At TTV, you can trust that every purchase directly impacts the life and community of its maker in a developing country. Shipping Policy: US only

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